“And The Walls Came Tumbling Down”

This Sunday I attended a lot of churches, particularly fitting, it was Pentecost the celebration of the birth of the church. I heard a lot of different messages preached, heard a lot of different songs and heard a lot of prayers. I have to say I was little surprised that not all churches celebrated the birth of the church. This is a great day to reflect on what the church means to people,  individual communities, countries and the world. As I reflect back there are two Sundays a year that seem to resonate with all churches, in the message and voice, of course that is Christmas and Easter but for the rest of the 50 weeks of the year not so much.

Again, as I reflect on history I think of Joshua at the battle of Jericho. On that day Joshua was told to march around the city walls and to play a trumpet blast all in unison, and when Joshua followed those instructions and was heard as one sound and one voice the walls of Jericho came tumbling down. Do you know what would’ve happened if on that day Joshua had told his people to go out and dance around the walls of Jericho and each of them play a different instrument, ignoring the instruction that he had been given. Well I can tell you; nothing would’ve happened. I wonder does this sound familiar in today’s world. Anyway, I found a great music video of the song “Joshua fought the battle of Jericho” I think you should listen to it I really enjoyed these kids aren’t they wonderful, I think children get it.

All My Love