We Are All In This Together
These past few weeks I have observed many acts of kindness. One stood out to me as I watched.
A woman was at Aldi’s in Aberdeen getting groceries. I noticed she was wearing gloves as a precaution which was a good idea. As she was waiting in line, a young woman 2 people ahead of her was having trouble with her debit card.

They suspended her transaction while she called the bank. I watched the young woman leave the store.
The woman in line started praying for God to let her pay for her groceries. She thought maybe she should’ve paid for them, but both her husband and her were unemployed and needed every dollar they had. They did not have enough to be of help to the young woman. Plus, the young woman had left the store.
She paid for her groceries and went to the car. The young woman was parked next to her and she was crying. She tapped on the young woman’s window and she rolled it down. She said, “Come on. We are going to get your groceries.” They walked back into Aldi’s together. She shouted as loud as she could “Everyone! This lovely young mother needs her groceries and is having trouble at the bank. I have $20. Who can help me pay the rest of her bill? We need $100.”
Immediately people started handing her money. (Remember? she was wearing gloves.) Even a little girl around 6 years old brought her a dollar. She kept counting the total out loud. About 10 people kept giving until they reached $100. They handed the money to a beaming cashier!
People, you are in this together! I was so encouraged when I heard her.
“I’m so grateful to the woman who blessed us more than we did her. I feel so encouraged! I’m honored that God chose my talents (being loud and empathetic, lol) to be part of a miracle, and He prepared me by protecting me with the gloves I had JUST bought. Isn’t God amazing! He doesn’t miss a detail. Let us all practice kindness and generosity to our neighbors as we navigate this uncertain time.”
I agree Amen.
“’Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters, you did for me.'”
All My Love