“They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love”

I think music has the most powerful influence over people’s emotions. Music touches us at our deepest level of understanding and feeling. Soft soothing music can calm us, more exciting music can quicken our spirit, and even music with discord can cause us to feel angry and upset. Music can move us through a full range of emotions. The lyrics and music can be very powerful as well. I think it is amazing how music has evolved over the centuries from simple sticks being beaten on logs to create rhythm to marvelous Symphony Orchestra’s playing music from master composers. Every age and every generation seem to have their own style of music, but the results of the music are exactly the same, it moves us to places we’ve never been before.

Recently as I was contemplating the state of the church in the world one simple piece of music came to mind “You Will Know We Are Christians by Our Love” I think this song captures the essence of what it’s about to be a Christian in the church today. Sit back and listen to it and contemplate on the words and music from this song I hope you will find it inspiring.

All My Love